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Work From Home Vlog | adopted a cat, schedule with me, yoga journey

Duration: 21:29Views: 327Likes: 28Date Created: Feb, 2022


Category: Film & Animation

Tags: be productive with meplan with merelaxing vloghow to work from homefitness journey vlogyoga for 30 daysthat girlmorning routine with a kittenmorning routineroutinedaily routines cleaningyoga journeyschedule with mestudio vlog starting a businessyoga for 30 days resultsday in the life of small business owneri adopted a catsmall business vlogday in the life of working from homework from home vlogmeditation teacher vlog

Description: We adopted a cat and it's been like having a child. Paul and I have gotten no sleep, hence why this vlog is so all over the place. Nonetheless, DaVinci is adorable and we love her to the moon and back. This is what my days have looked like recently. Yoga, Planning, Working, Cleaning, Socialising. CHECK OUT MY WEBSITE jupiterscorner.com CHAPTERS Meet DaVinci - 0:00 Rainy Day - 4:07 Morning After No Sleep - 5:40 Schedule With Me - 7:28 The Next Day - 13:46 My Yoga Journey - 15:17 Plan For The Day - 16:28 SUPPORT ME ON PATREON (content coming soon) patreon.com/jupiterscorner SOCIALS ig instagram.com/thejadejupiter ig instagram.com/jupiterscorner fb facebook.com/jupitersscorner twitter twitter.com/CornerJupiter READ MY MAGAZINE issuu.com/jupiterscorner LISTEN TO MY PODCAST spotify open.spotify.com/show/4wkvBGuhNtZYfBxPfB1B8Y?si=9f7ghvFiQziYW0wXvSrJ5w apple podcasts podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/jupiters-corner/id1511087313 soundcloud.com/jupiters-corner *listen on all streaming services* WHAT YOU HEARD IN THIS VIDEO Rose - Lukrembo Cozy Winter - Lofi Study Mix Lolo Popo - Mona Wonderlick

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